
As a husband, parent, teacher, cook and many other things, I don’t have a huge amount of time for gaming.  I’m sure this is the case for many gamers that hit the ripe old age of somewhere in their 30s.  Hence this blog about my attempts to keep up with the hobby I love in those few hours a week gamers like myself have.  Nothing I write could really be considered a review, just what I thought of my experience of playing.  From time to time I might do a little feature if I’m away for a while.  Feel free to drop a comment any time!  If you’re so inclined, you can also follow me on Twitter @robcovell

21 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! Just came across your blog a couple days ago and thought I would give you a follow! Like you, I’m a gamer who is in my 30s and I find myself wishing I had more time to play them than I actually do! 🙂 Anyway, have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello there. Realistically I don’t have as much time either. But I certainly I don’t want to give up gaming. So I can understand where you are coming from.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll have a read of it a little later on, and thank you for the nomination! I may have to pass on the nomination however. I’ve previously done a Liebster and work is currently dominating everything I do. Hence my most recent post being something of a filler article! If I find time in the coming weeks though, I will certainly take you up on the offer!


  3. Hey Iplayedthegame I recently stumbled upon this channel and I just wanted to say nice job with your blog really enjoy it. I dont want to be advertising on your blog but I would really enjoy if you maybe checked out my channel because ive been doing this for about a year and haven’t had many visittors. If not thats completely understandable but I wish you further success on your blog! 😉


  4. Even I do not have a lot of time to play games. I only do so during weekends. So the fact that you find the time to write about gaming is even more commendable. I will surely go through your articles.

    Liked by 1 person

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