Gameblast 2018 – Another 24 hours.

Last year (and in fact for the past few years), some friends and I took part in the Special Effect 24-hour charity gaming marathon.  Special Effect is a charaity that specialise in creating gaming systems for people with physical disabilities.  Their most recent projects have involved developing computers that can be controlled solely through eye movement, making them available to more people with significant physical difficulties.  Pretty incredible stuff really.

Special Effect Logo
It’s a damn good cause.

Anyway, part of their funding comes from this yearly event in which people put aside their dignity and good sense, and stream video games for 24-hours.  Later Levels have already announced theirs and will likely be attempting to cause damage to their reputations.

I will be taking part on Thursday 22nd February from 7AM (GMT if you’re one of those wonderful international readers!) onwards, being joined throughout the day by various people.  There will be moments of incredible gaming skill (rare), abject failure (common), and plenty of Jackbox amusement.  Last year we managed to determine what Alvin’s (of Chipmunks fame) big secret was…

Alvin and the Chipmunks
*Whisper* He’s actually a hamster…

And here’s where you can help!  All this will be livestreamed on Twitch for your amusement, where you can roundly mock my failings as both a gamer and a human being (or write nice things.  That’s ok too).  Joining us for even part of the day is a great help.  Or how about signing up to take part yourself?  Just head on over to here and join the fun.

Or, and this is a very big ask, you could donate to support this great charity by heading over here.  Last year we raised nearly £300 thanks to some absolutely wonderfully kind people.  This is a fantastic amount to support such a good cause, and that couldn’t have happened without the kindness of people like yourselves.  If you feel you can, then that would be utterly incredible.

Apparently these are important and easy to use, but I have no clue.

With just under 6 weeks to go, I’d best figure out how to get a capture card to work…

18 thoughts on “Gameblast 2018 – Another 24 hours.

  1. I hope you can figure out that capture card. They aren’t too bad but fiddling well in advance so you can work out any kinks is strongly advised. We are still working out the occasional setting here and there and I’ve had mine for years. A point that may interest you is that the Elgato cards are notorious for introducing a bit of lag between voice/game sound and actions in the game itself. I have a version older than what you have here so they may have corrected that for the later releases, but if not, you can introduce a delay in your streaming software (I use OBS) that can fix that.

    Either way, I am looking forward to your stream and hope to stick around as long as I can. It should be a great time! I will be sure to spread the word.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve used OBS a few times and I’ve seen the stream delay feature but haven’t used it before. I was looking at the Elgato (it uses USB-C which apparently speeds up the connection rate) or the Razer Ripsaw which has somewhat mixed reviews. Those ones look like the easiest to use as they’re very much plug & play, plus I don’t have a fancy microphone.

      Thank you for donating! I really appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

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